Denver Carpet Cleaning/Residential/Commercial

Posted by: ECO Clean
Posted on: Thursday November 13, 2014 at 3:21 PM

Carpet Cleaning with a Conscience

Green Seal Certification

You know how it goes: Your pet decides that your new carpet's the perfect place to relieve himself. Or perhaps you walk into your bedroom and catch a whiff of something like ammonia, or worse.

You're struck with visions of cleaning and cleaning but never getting rid of the stain and smell. And even if you do manage a thorough clean-up, you worry that your pet has developed a new bathroom habit that will be impossible to break.

How to find the soiled area

This may seem obvious, but in some cases the spot will have dried invisibly and be hard to locate.

Then call us and we can do all the work for you.

Call Us 303.288.1380

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